I want to start off by saying that I have been with the company 5 and a half years. I came into this company taking a few years away from design. Coming to VAP on a 3-day trial period to see if I had what it took to be a VAP member was the best opportunity I’ve been given. I’ve learned more since I’ve been with VAP than I have anywhere I’ve ever been. Thus why I have been dubbed “The Creator”.

As the creator starting out, I was tasked with custom design to prototype building, using ArtiosCAD and our Kongsberg sample table. Creating inserts, bulk packs, packaging of all styles and shapes. This eventually branched out to meeting customers. Working on their needs in one-on-one meetings, looking over pain points, lead times, and giving them a sense of ease that the custom packaging they need would help them quickly and backed with quality.

As my time grew within VAP, I’ve learned our Amtech system in product spec building and quoting. The first-hand know-how to how my designs are transferred to the floor, as it flows through the plant and out the door to our customers. This knowledge allows me to help the customer on another level of security, comfort, and ease. The number one goal is helping the customer with whatever they need and the more I can learn in every field of our business, will allow me to help my team as well.

As the “Creator”, I am the first stepping stone in the growth of packaging between us and our valued customers. For me to be as well versed in our company and our industry, allows our elite customer care team and our team members on the floor to be ready to bring the best VAP has to offer to the customer. Which is quality, care, and Love.

John Purcell