Route Wrangler

Route Wrangler

As the Route Wrangler at Value Added Packaging, I have several duties from scheduling deliveries to ensuring quality product is delivered on time and handling all the steps in between. While I may not be upfront and personal with the customer The Route Wrangler does a...
Order in the Midst of Chaos

Order in the Midst of Chaos

The growth of an organization can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse. As organizations realize rapid growth; through an upward revenue drive, organically or through mergers; they could falter and crumble on critical non-revenue aspects, such as culture....
Get on the Bus!

Get on the Bus!

The Fuel from the Big Picture!! This is very simple: every employee needs to see the Big Picture. This kind of knowledge enables our employees to honor the values we seek to live and to work by at Value Added Packaging. Employees, typically, are not motivated by...