St Vincent onboarding 1st crews

Our first four individuals to participate in VAP’s new community service on-boarding initiative (left to right): Tyler (3/30/2015), Mandy (3/30/2015), Innocent (3/16/2015), Jonathan (author of this blog – 3/30/2015). Welcome to the Team!

In many ways, my first day at VAP was much like that with any company—filling out the necessary paperwork, introductions to the team, etc.—but there were some things that quickly began to stand out.

The first was VAP’s emphasis on creating a positive corporate culture. From the beginning, each team member is asked to read and sign the VAP vision and mission statement, then post it in his or her work area. This serves a constant reminder to every employee at VAP of why we are here: to work as a team to serve the customer, each other, and the community.

VAP’s commitment to serving the community was the next thing that stood out to me. The last item in the VAP mission statement reads, “VAP will actively support and give back to the community.” Prior to joining the VAP team, I had heard and read about VAP’s involvement with the local community. My admiration of their charitable efforts was one of the things that had attracted me to the company. What surprised me, however, was the fact that as a new member of the team, I would immediately have the opportunity to participate in this commitment firsthand.

On every new team member’s first day, VAP takes them to St. Vincent de Paul in Dayton to help serve lunch to the homeless. And so, Sara, VAP’s Captain of Human Resources, took that day’s three new team members, Mandy, Tyler, and myself, over to the shelter. I was really glad to help. It was such a small gesture for us, but I feel that we sometimes overlook the smallest of gestures, and forget that they can make a big impact on the lives of others.

Moreover, the experience showed me that VAP is a company that puts its money where its mouth is. Not only do they profess their dedication to the local community, but I was able to participate in it on the very first day. This really impressed me. The other team members that I met and talked to felt the same way. I believe that attitude is contagious, and when we see the company that we’re a part of acting as such a positive influence on the community and its employees, it inspires us as a team to do our best to support it.

For these reasons, I’m proud to be a part of Team VAP, and I would like to express my gratitude to the company for welcoming me as one of its newest members.

-Jonathan Dresel,
The Problem Solver
Value Added Packaging